Your Social Media Content Has to be Exciting…or No One Will See It!

Social Media ContentYou have brainstormed your plan for awesome social media content, now you have to create them!

Yes, I get that writing it can be nearly as bad as having to think about the topics in the first place (believe me, it doesn’t come naturally to me), but the fun comes in how you present them.

We want to make sure you don’t bore your audience (they will go elsewhere, people are fickle!), reach out, GRAB THEM, make them stop and read. There is so much content available on the internet that you need to stand out. How can you phrase things in a way that will click with them? Have you got a different angle to others in your industry?

So what are your options?

Gold StarWrite a blog
Be you and put your personality into it, which is why people follow you. That, and your amazing expert knowledge which you just love to share with us. Write how you speak and give some of those nuggets of wisdom people are beating your door down for. Don’t forget to include images or photos.

Gold StarVideo
There are many people who can’t stand the thought of seeing themselves on video, but seriously, we love it! Just incase you haven’t noticed – YouTube is MASSIVE! And the search engines highly rate videos too. It doesn’t have to be a complicated, slick, box office production. Try your Smartphone or webcam on your laptop.

Gold StarCreate Visuals
You can only have missed how popular visuals are on Social Media if you’ve been living in a cave for the last few years. Canva is a super cool and free website that you must try out. Got photos you want to use? Make them funky with PicMonkey!

Gold StarWebinars or Teleseminars
What better way to share your knowledge and advice than in a free webinar or teleseminar? People can login from the comfort of their own desk or sofa with a cuppa and listen to your gems of wisdom. Saves on time and travel, got to be a winner! You can then breakdown all that amazing information into tweets, post and visuals!

Make it interesting and fun. Know what your audience want to hear about and give it to them. Use your content to attract, motivate and inspire. Don’t forget – Content is King!

About Sarah Fletcher

Founder of Mushroom Soufflé - Social Media Magic. Public Speaker on Social Media Magic. Social Media Magic Training, Strategy and Management boosting your brand, productivity and effectiveness. Lover of street dance, food, all things purple, social media and life in general! Follow me on Twitter too @MushroomSouffle!
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